Tailored to the indivduals needs, a combination of the therapies below may be used.
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness based on the principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Using the healing power of nature and gentle therapeutic techniques, the body, mind and emotions are supported during the healing process.
Modern naturopathic medicine is becoming increasingly evidence based, thus combining a scientific approach with traditional healing principles. As well as natural medicines and nutritional supplements, dietary and lifestyle advice are also often required to facilitate and maintain optimum health.
Naturopathic medicine uses a combination of one or more different disciplines (for example herbal medicine, nutrition, functional medicine or homoeopathic medicine) and promotes a healthy lifestyle for optimal health and wellbeing. Practitioners study 3-4 years full time to qualify.
Subjects covered include herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, homoeopathy, iridology, chemistry, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, botany, Bach Flower Remedies and Australian Bush Flower Essences.
Benefits of BodyTalk can include:
An improvement in chronic health conditions
An increased sense of wellbeing and vitality
Reduced stress in all aspects of life and increased sense of clarity and focus
Release of stored trauma
Removal of emotional blocks and reduced fears and phobias
Clearing outdated and unhelpful belief systems
A heightened sense of purpose in your work, relationships, life.
Improved family, group, relationship and business matrix dynamics
An increase in your perception and awareness
Increased original thought, ideas and creativity
A greater ability to manifest your hearts desire and dreams
Re-alignment with your Soul purpose
BodyTalk is an amazing whole healthcare system that can help improve a wide range of health conditions, chronic health issues and general health and wellbeing.
BodyTalk works on the whole person, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, and as outdated programming, belief systems and fears clear away, physical symptoms can improve and the individual moves more into alignment with their true potential. See here for further information.
​Herbal Medicine
​​Herbs have been used medicinally by most cultures for thousands of years. These wonderful plants now have the scientific research to support millenia of traditional use.
Herbs can produce remarkable results and need to be taken regularly over a period of time. They work gently and synergistically to support, nourish, tonify, detoxify and enhance the function of organ systems and the body as a whole.
Benefits of Nutrition can include:
Improved general health and wellbeing
Permanent weight loss and management
Improved fertility
A reduction in the risk of diabetes, heart disease and hypertension
Improved symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal health conditions
Managing hormonal imbalances such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Improved skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis
Managing food sensitivities and intolerances
Improved general health and wellbeing
A simple nutrition philosophy is:
Enjoy food
Eat a rainbow of plants, and plenty of them
Choose whole foods as close to their natural state as possible
Eat less sugar and processed food
Eat seasonal, organic, local foods when possible
Eat when you are hungry
Eat mindfully
Chew your food well, your stomach doesn’t have teeth!
Enjoy food
Dietary modifications may be recommended and nutritional supplements prescribed if required.